sunshine on bazzite
Its probably a bit of a dumb mistake on my part but i have been trying to get sunshine working on bazzite of i have tried installing the rpm package and the flatpack i also looked at the documentation provided by the sunshine creator it hasn't fixed it for me. Does anyone know how to install it ?
Thanks for your help in advance
21 Replies
App has Moonlight
😦 Have you tried the .AppImage
Here is a Pull Request on GitHub already actually:
feat: add sunshine setup by maisatanel · Pull Request #152 · ublue-...
Sunshine is a host server for streaming applications, kinda like Steam Link but with less latency. It is used via the client Moonlight.
Installation docs:
I layered in the rpm
im not sure how you layer in the rpm exactly i did try to download the rpm from sunshine there github and open it but that failed im a bit of fedora noob im more used to debian and arch
i will try the app image today guess i will also look what the bazzite portal is exactly
rpm-ostree install FILE.rpm
that worked thanks
last dumb question hopefully it seems it not running yet after reboot usually its just a command like systemctl enable (service) is it different ?

have you tried distrobox?
do that instead of layering
im watching a vid about it at the moment is there a reason why not to layer it ?
guess i will try distro box
in the terminal to see
I’m not sure if sunshine runs via Distroboxthat worked does it just run at startup now ?

Ah nope it does not
maybe export the command then type
ln -s ~/.local/bin/sunshine ~/.config/autostart
Set new credentials manually then try again
For startup, you may have to do what I described here
i guess i will try it tomorrow on a fresh install since my test install seems to have a broken bazzite portal
have you tried making another user and testing the bazzite portal?
Just found this thread - how about running it as flatpak? From what I saw, they seem to support it:
The flatpak was borked when I last tried it, but that was a month ago so maybe it's been fixed since then.
Seems to work in x11 but ive had no luck in wayland