Vite Build Process for existing Laravel App and Panel Builder

What is the recommended process for incorporating panel builder into the build process of an existing application using Vite/Tailwind? I don't want to have separate build processes for the front-end and Filament because I want to use components from each in the other. I've tried importing the Filament preset into tailwind.config.js but I encounter some conflicts with the GRAY color that I'm already using on the front-end? Also, how do I tell Filament to use my front-end build with imported preset (if I'm able to resolve the conflict above)? Is it using ->viteTheme in the Admin panel provider?
1 Reply
awcodes2y ago
If you need different grays then you have have two separate files. I do it in all my projects it’s not a problem. I have a custom filament theme for the backend and a separate css file for my front ends which aren’t inside filament panels. Or change the name of one of them to not be ‘gray’

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