How drizzle handle nulls and undefineds ?

I'm running this query, but some values in where clause are undefined, how do i make it optional ? Error: UNDEFINED_VALUE: Undefined values are not allowed query:
async list(companyId: number, lineClassId: number | undefined): Promise<Line[]> {
const lines = await this.dbContext.dbset
and(eq(lineModel.companyId, companyId), eq(lineModel.status, 'ativo'), eq(lineModel.lineClass, lineClassId)),

return => new Line(, line.lineNumber,, line.companyId));
async list(companyId: number, lineClassId: number | undefined): Promise<Line[]> {
const lines = await this.dbContext.dbset
and(eq(lineModel.companyId, companyId), eq(lineModel.status, 'ativo'), eq(lineModel.lineClass, lineClassId)),

return => new Line(, line.lineNumber,, line.companyId));
2 Replies
Angelelz2y ago
There is not undefined in SQL, there is no way for drizzle to do something about it. I would create an array of eq like this:
const eqs = [
eq(lineModel.companyId, companyId),
eq(lineModel.status, 'ativo'),
if (lineClassId) {
eqs.push(eq(lineModel.lineClass, lineClassId));

const eqs = [
eq(lineModel.companyId, companyId),
eq(lineModel.status, 'ativo'),
if (lineClassId) {
eqs.push(eq(lineModel.lineClass, lineClassId));

victormesquita.OP2y ago
@angelelz Gonna try, thanks

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