background-break property, how does it work?

Hi, i recently found out about background-break property in CSS and i have been trying to find documentation about this property but there is nothing on MDN an then i also tried to check what browsers supports it, but there is nothing on caniuse about this property. So yeah... I am kinda curious about this property. I found this property by looking at emmet cheatsheet for CSS but there are also several articles on the internet about this property, such as this
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3 Replies
capt_uhu2y ago
not entirely sure but I think this turned into box-decoration-break
Tok124 (CSS Nerd)
Hmm yeah, this could be true because most results that appear on google when you search for background-break is box-decoration-break
capt_uhu2y ago
my guess is that the property name was changed to make it clear that the border is included not just the background.

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