Latest link for DH 1.20.1, doesnt work for me.

When I install the latest version of Nightly Builds DH, in the #links channel for 1.20.1, and I install it just by itself, it comes up with this error and it also makes my ui look weird and it hides the distant horizons settings button. (I use the default ui)
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39 Replies
GoldenOP2y ago
I am using the fabric one, and using the latest fabric version, is there some other mods which i need to use in order for it to work? also i have an amd gpu, rx6900xt running on the latest driver : 23.8.1
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MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Could you send your logs?
GoldenOP2y ago
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Are you using any resource packs or anything? I see you are, could you try DH without them?
GoldenOP2y ago
GoldenOP2y ago
I tried without then. but when I am in the main menu I can see the distant horizons icon , but as soon as i enter a world, the ui becomes weird and the button disappears and the LODs dont load in, even when I turned it on in the menu
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GoldenOP2y ago
Oh, and I saw someone mention in another post about winrar, which I do have instlaled on my computer, could that affect it?
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Nope that should not mess with any minecraft mod Im not sure what could cause this, I havent seen something like this before
GoldenOP2y ago
Do you know if DH has to have other mods running with it? or a special version of fabric or java? I was running DH by itself on fabric version 0.14.21
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Nope, DH should work on its own And Fabric API ofc Wait your FOV slider is also missing Does that happen without DH installed too?
GoldenOP2y ago
It only happens when DH is installed
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Thats very weird
GoldenOP2y ago
I think I forgot to mention it before, but I have an AMD gpu, rx6900xt running on the 23.8.1 driver
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Hmm could be an AMD compatibility issue
GoldenOP2y ago
Oh I see... I have been using Distant Horizons for quite a bit in earier versions with the same GPU and it has been fine, would the official release of the mod address these potential compatability issues? I have used the an earlier 1.20 version before with no issues.
BackSun2y ago
This isn’t a compatibility issue, this is something else. The broken rendering can happen if DH’s renderer crashes. Although looking at the logs I’m not sure why it broke. Can you send your DH config file here, then delete it in your MC directory so it can be regenerated?
GoldenOP2y ago
Sorry, I am not quite sure, but is it this file?
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BackSun2y ago
Yup that’s it
GoldenOP2y ago
I have this version of the mod, which works fine when it is by itself, but when I add sodium 0.5.2, the LODS dont load in even if it is turned on in settings
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GoldenOP2y ago
With this one, which version of Fabric Api should I be using? And which version of Fabric?
BackSun2y ago
Sodium 0.5 is only supported in the latest nightly builds. Use the latest fabric API for Mac 1.20
GoldenOP2y ago
Im not sure what you mean by Mac 1.20, but I downloaded version 0.87.0 of Fabric API for version 1.20.1 and I can load the game but when I try to enter a world, this shows up
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BackSun2y ago
Typo, I meant "API for MC 1.20" Are you using the vanilla MC launcher or something else?
GoldenOP2y ago
Oh alright, I am using Vanilla Launcher and using fabric version 0.14.21 - 1.20.1
BackSun2y ago
Generally I see that when something got corrupted during install. Either try recreating your fabric profile or try forge.
GoldenOP2y ago
I am using this Distant horizons version as the latest one I download in #links doesnt work for my computer at all, but this mod can run by itself and I can see the LODS, but somehow the performance isnt very good even with the LODS turned off so I try to add sodium and fabric api, it either crashes or the LODS dont shjow
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BackSun2y ago
The version in #links needs sodium 0.5.2. Which version are you using?
GoldenOP2y ago
Does it also need fabric api? and which version if so?
BackSun2y ago
Yes and I don't know the exact version off hand.
GoldenOP2y ago
When I download the latest one, I see this file, but I saw that some other people had the RC 2 version and it didnt say dev...
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GoldenOP2y ago
I will try it with 0.5.2 And when I use that version, the latest one, I have this isue again, and the lods dont show. I am using Fabric API version 0.87.0 with sodium 0.5.2
BackSun2y ago
Then I'm not sure what the problem is, sorry.
GoldenOP2y ago
Oh ok, I have one more question, I see that some people have the file with "RC2" in it, and for me, the RC1 somewhat worked, do you know if I could still get the RC2 version? As the latest link gives me "DistantHorizons-fabric-2.0.0-a-dev-1.20.1.jar"? And I am new here, would the mod be updated soon? Im thinking its just maybe this version. Thanks for your effor in trying to help me.
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BackSun2y ago
Happy to help. RC stands for Release Candidate and the version in #links is newer than RC1 and RC2. Although both should be available in #announcements
GoldenOP2y ago
Oh oops, I shall try the RC-2 then, thanks
anmvc.kt2y ago
what i am using sodium 0.5 and it's working fine
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
@Golden Do you still need support or can I close this issue?
GoldenOP2y ago
You can close this

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