Party/clubbing looks

My wardrobe is pretty boring with a few exceptions. Any suggestions for sometime a bit more flashy?
20 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
That's almost too broad a question. Do you have looks in mind? Something you like and would emulate?
Spuck2y ago
Make a moodboard xd
jfarrell4682y ago
Tie-dye. Sequins. Paisley. Batik.
enterthelair2y ago
you dont need to be too flashy for a party or club. a button down shirt + dark jeans, and maybe some smart casual shoes
Jawn Mayer
Jawn Mayer2y ago
Sure, if you want to wear the exact same thing to the club as to work
enterthelair2y ago
idk then wear a lace shirt, leather pants and crocs. gold chain + gold tooth too
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Black t-shirt. Black jeans. Black converse. Literally what I wore last time I was in a club.
Spuck2y ago
LAst time I was out clubbing I was wearing whatever won't make you sweat an insane amount, and still let you be comfortable. OP needs to be a lot more specific
Dogma2y ago
was it a berliner club harold
DeafIdiotGod2y ago
Leopard print Sleeveless tops Fun sunglasses Chain
Spuck2y ago
thong flipflops
This with some leather mules would absolutely fuck
mia wallace
mia wallaceOP2y ago
I'm looking for something that isn't workwear basically
Spuck2y ago
So now youve narrowed it down to the remaining 95% of clothes.
mia wallace
mia wallaceOP2y ago
That sounds good. Any black jeans suggestions? Idk does MFA suggest anything that isn't white or blue OCBDs lol
Spuck2y ago
I dont even own either of those so yes So your question is incredibly vague. The last outfit I wore to a club was a camo hoodie, cargo pants, and a pair of beat to shit converse, because that's the kind of club/vibe it was. If you're at an aristocrats 60th birthday the correct attire would be very different
jfarrell4682y ago
Does such a thing even exist?
Spuck2y ago
If it does, it should not
mia wallace
mia wallaceOP2y ago
Like there's no shortage of guides for suits or dress shirts/pants which is what you'd wear to a formal event. Or even OCBDs. Let's say you're going to a concert. What then
DeafIdiotGod2y ago
If it's not a formal affair then you can basically wear whatever you want, think of it as an opportunity to show off your personal style.

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