I want to use multi tenancy for different tools that are set from the same panel

So currently I have a Tool resource which I have set at the Tenant, with a ToolType enum to differentiate which tool we are currently working on. Lets say we have a WineTool and a GiftBoxTool, then I want to have different resources available based on the ToolType. So for instance, with the WineTool we have CorkWrappers and for the GiftBoxTool we have BoxFilling (paper, hay, etc). Is there an easy way to hide the resources based on the tenant and a way to not have all relations set on the Tool model? When I have WineTool, I don't want to eager load the BoxFilling relation for instance.
1 Reply
Patrick Boivin
I think the easiest way to hide resources is probably with model policies.
a way to not have all relations set on the Tool model?
Can you expand on this a bit? What are the relationships you want to avoid?

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