I bought a domain from cloudflare and now i want to publish my app
Cloudflare changed a lot since the last time i used it. Before it was a pages tab where I could upload my folder of the basic static page app. how can i do the same thing now? I'm confused with the new interface and cant find anything online. Much appreciated 🙂
45 Replies
Should be Workers/Pages -> Create application -> Pages tab -> "Upload assets" at the bottom
You can skip some of it by going to https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/workers-and-pages/create/pages
If you already have a project, you can go to the existing project on the Workers/Pages tab and upload a new deployment from the UI there, which should be largely the same
Ok, I already have a page deployed. where should i upload the new development?

Go back one step, to the account overview
Then once youre on the account overview, click this one

This magic link also works if youre still lost https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/workers-and-pages
Ok, I am here but i can't find my website (sebastianbuzdugan.com)

This is the only thing i see, which is not the one i deployed almost a year ago
Its a new one i did when you first told me about the pages
I already have this :

But all I want is to update it
What do you see on the DNS tab?

Does this help?
what i want to do is just to create a new development
is your app deployed on pages?
So I uploaded the app on pages a while back. Now i can't see it anymore.
I only see this new one i have just created
are you sure your website is on pages as the DNS records show A records whereas with pages it is usually a cname
it might be hosted on something else like github pages
No, I did it in cloudflare almost a year ago
I have never used github pages
Should I deleted the existing host and redo it? Is it possible if i just delete this dns records?
what do the A records point to?
as im pretty sure pages doesnt use A records
so if the website is working right now, it has to be hosted somewhere
How can I see where A records point? This is my edit page

Also says that it was modified 10 hours ago so maybe is something i did recently
Nevermind all of them are 10 hours ago modified
Ok I think you might be right, it might be hosted somewhere else.
Can you remove the red mark here?

Yeah it's probably hosted on replit then
Are you sure it is replit?
I do have a replit account but i see no pages in there
What if i delete them, and I redo it in cloudflare pages?
Is this an option?
Do you have a repo in replit
You can but make sure you have the files
Ok i have them
No, i dont see any
So to do that, I have to delete these A type in dns ? that's it? and then remove the site?
delete these records, then create a new pages project, you can use github to upload your files or you can do direct upload and then you can create a custom domain through pages
Ok I did that but I'm stuck here. The new page i have has a random domain generated by cloudflare and when I want to attach that page to my domain (sebastianbuzdugan.com) it says that sebastianbuzdugan.com already exists. Even if I press on Remove this site from Cloudflare, it still redirect me there. Do i have to cleanup the domain and remove all dns instances of the current page? Or what is the solution?
did you delete the dns records?
All the A type records
should i delete the txt too? is the certificate i guess
txt should be fine to keep
are you adding the custom domain in the custom domain page of your project
wait i will show you a quick recording
and it redirects me back here

and if i go back to that page still the same domain
thats because your domain isnt setup
do what it says
where it says complete your nameserver setup
Isn't this done already?

where did you buy your domain from
as the nameservers havent been changed yet
As in the cloudflare registrar?
Thats why i am confused
It looks like you created a new account and tried to add the domain to the new account instead of accessing the old one its already configured on
You will need to log in to the account that owns the domain registration. If you do not remember which account that was, please log out of the dashboard and then visit https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-email
Yes that was it, omg. Thank you so much and sorry for wasting your time!!!!!