Filamentβ€’11mo ago
Arnaud Lier

Disabled select field with default not taken into account when creating record

Hi! πŸ‘‹ I've just upgraded to Filament v3 and the experience is amazing so far! πŸ˜„ Only one little hiccup: one of my select fields doesn't work anymore (probably because I didn't really searched for how it works under the hood...) Here is my field definition:
->relationship('team', 'name')
->relationship('team', 'name')
It allows the user to see which team the record is going to be created under. Saving the record into the database fails because the insertion isn't provided with the team_id. It worked on v2 for some reason. Is there an "idiomatic" way to make it work? I can just force it into the insertion query of course but wanted to know if there was a "better" way. Also, if it's disabled, could the user forge a request modifying it or it's fine without a check on my end? Note: this field is in a wizard and it doesn't work without the ->relationship either.
3 Replies
Arnaud Lier
Arnaud Lierβ€’11mo ago
Workaround for the moment in the Create page:
protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
$data['team_id'] = auth()->user()?->currentTeam?->id;

return $data;
protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
$data['team_id'] = auth()->user()?->currentTeam?->id;

return $data;
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivinβ€’11mo ago
I think this is normal... in a regular HTML form, disabled fields are not included in the request. Your solution is pretty good, because the data is sensitive and shouldn't be modified by a clever user with the browser dev tools.
Arnaud Lier
Arnaud Lierβ€’11mo ago
I would've hoped Filament would inject those but eh, fair enough. I wonder why it worked with Filament 2 though!