Emit Event from Resource to Relation Manager

I have an EditResource page with a relation manager. I want to put a button in getActions so that there is an option to create a new relation at the top of the page (instead of being forced to scroll down). I want the action from the resource getActions to trigger the create action on the relation manager. Is this possible?
2 Replies
Patrick Boivin
This is a bit hacky, but something you can experiment with:
// At the top of the page
'x-on:click' => new HtmlString(

// In the relation manager
->extraAttributes(['id' => 'relation-manager-create']),
// At the top of the page
'x-on:click' => new HtmlString(

// In the relation manager
->extraAttributes(['id' => 'relation-manager-create']),
Trigger the action at the bottom in JS, from the button at the top.
bwurtz999OP2y ago
This works perfectly! Thank you!

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