Select Component inside helper class is not updated

I have a Select Component for a Form that is inside a helper class. This Select Component is depending on some other values from the Form itself. If I put the Select Component on the Form, use live() on the other components, all works. As soon I move the Select Component to a helper class, it doesn't update anymore. I then first have to save the Form and reload the page.
->helperText('De organisatie die deze vacature plaatst')
->helperText('De organisatie die deze vacature plaatst')
Updated Select:
Forms\Components\Group::make(fn (Get $get) => [
TemplateHelper::getTemplates($get('client_id'), null, 'null'),
Forms\Components\Group::make(fn (Get $get) => [
TemplateHelper::getTemplates($get('client_id'), null, 'null'),
If I use the Select Component right away, all works fine. Is this by design, or do I forget something?
6 Replies
Patrick Boivin
What's happening inside of TemplateHelper::getTemplates() ?
Daniel Plomp
Daniel PlompOP2y ago
It is just returning a Select component. The query for the Options is a bit complex, so therefore AND for DRY purposes I decided to use a helper.
Patrick Boivin
Sorry, I think I don't understand what you're trying to do. Why do you need to $get() the value and pass it in to the helper that is generating the field?
Daniel Plomp
Daniel PlompOP2y ago
This is my helper. Maybe that makes more sense?
class TemplateHelper
public static function getTemplateOptions($clientId = null, $contentTypeId = null, $contentTypeCategoryId = null): Collection
$query = Template::query()
->select(DB::raw("CONCAT(, ' (', templates.code, ')') as display_name"), '')
->leftJoin('content_types', 'templates.content_type_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('content_type_categories', 'content_types.content_type_category_id', '=', '')

if ($clientId) { $query->where('client_id', $clientId);}

// Add filter for contentTypeId if provided
if ($contentTypeId) { $query->where('content_type_id', $contentTypeId); }

// Add filter for contentTypeCategory if provided
if ($contentTypeCategoryId) { $query->where('', $contentTypeCategoryId); }

return $query->pluck('display_name', 'id');

public static function getTemplates($clientId = null, $contentTypeId = null, $contentTypeCategoryName = null)
return Select::make('template_id')
->url(function ($state) {
if ($state) {
$template = Template::find($state);

return TemplateResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $template]);

return null;
->options(self::getOptions($clientId, $contentTypeId, $contentTypeCategoryName));
class TemplateHelper
public static function getTemplateOptions($clientId = null, $contentTypeId = null, $contentTypeCategoryId = null): Collection
$query = Template::query()
->select(DB::raw("CONCAT(, ' (', templates.code, ')') as display_name"), '')
->leftJoin('content_types', 'templates.content_type_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('content_type_categories', 'content_types.content_type_category_id', '=', '')

if ($clientId) { $query->where('client_id', $clientId);}

// Add filter for contentTypeId if provided
if ($contentTypeId) { $query->where('content_type_id', $contentTypeId); }

// Add filter for contentTypeCategory if provided
if ($contentTypeCategoryId) { $query->where('', $contentTypeCategoryId); }

return $query->pluck('display_name', 'id');

public static function getTemplates($clientId = null, $contentTypeId = null, $contentTypeCategoryName = null)
return Select::make('template_id')
->url(function ($state) {
if ($state) {
$template = Template::find($state);

return TemplateResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $template]);

return null;
->options(self::getOptions($clientId, $contentTypeId, $contentTypeCategoryName));
Patrick Boivin
Not sure... I see getTemplateOptions() vs. self::getOptions()
Daniel Plomp
Daniel PlompOP2y ago
So, I in my Form I use: getTemplates. This returns the Select Component. That works fine. I made the getTemplateOptions public, since I also tried to just get the options() from the helper. This works also and is what I currently use:
->url(function ($state) {
if ($state) {
$template = Template::find($state);

return TemplateResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $template]);

return null;
->options(function (Get $get) {
$contentTypeId = $get('content_type_id');

return TemplateHelper::getTemplateOptions(null, $contentTypeId, null);
->url(function ($state) {
if ($state) {
$template = Template::find($state);

return TemplateResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $template]);

return null;
->options(function (Get $get) {
$contentTypeId = $get('content_type_id');

return TemplateHelper::getTemplateOptions(null, $contentTypeId, null);
So, in the last approach I use, the Select Component is on the Form itself. If I then update e.g. the Client or the ContentType Select Components, this Select is being updated. If I move this to the helper class, it isn't updated anymore.

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