how to use infoList & form, table together on a filament page?

I look at the filament demo codebase but the examples there are all resource based, i like to have a custom filament page example? On a side note, any way I can make the filament page avaliable to guests as well (non authenticated users), like phone login, email login pages.etc
4 Replies
Patrick Boivin
All Filament pages are for authenticated users. You can create a page outside of Filament for that, with a regular Laravel route.
pocket.racerOP2y ago
ah what about my main question?
Patrick Boivin
Your custom page is a Livewire component. You can follow the docs for each section: infolist, form, table. Did you run into any issues?
pocket.racerOP2y ago
ok i figured it out. Ur filament page class just implement HasForms & HasInfolist interface (which will in turn tell you which traits to add to ur filament page class Then add form and infoList function Then in ur blade view {{ $this->infolist }} {{ $this->form }} Haven't tried if i can have more than 1 infolist or form on the same page. Hope it helps for anyone stuck at this too

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