Filament11mo ago

Filter Tabs in RelationManager of a Resource

Is there a way to add Tabs into the relation manager inside the resource page? It seems its only supported inside the list records page. https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/resources/listing-records#using-tabs-to-filter-the-records Any idea on how we can make it possible inside the relation manager ? Thank you !
4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
I don’t think it’s possible as there are already tabs for multiple relation managers
stvtk11mo ago
Thank you for the quick reply. But it would be nice to maybe have nested tabs similar to the plugin Filter Sets
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
Not sure how you would do that from a design perspective You could still override the Relation manager and have a look at list-records.blade.php and ListRecords.php to build your own.
stvtk11mo ago
Makes sense! Thanks again Dennis!