Custom Page with Form Builder
Hello Guys, I'm testing the Custom Page and i have a problem with the Repeater Component.
It's simply don't start the component.
The warning in browser console is printed.
This is my blade content:
This is my page class:

10 Replies
You’re on the right track but you’re not doing everything needed to set it up.
You need to call $this->form->fill() in the mount function.
You’ll also need to create a public property for the form data and set that to the statePath for the form.
Read through all of before trying to implement forms on a custom page.
Oh man, it's work nowww!!! Thank you
Why this different are in diff pages?
I had already seen, buty is two commands differents to create a Page
In that case, in panel builder, its my case, don't have all process.
Have a motive?
Sorry, not sure what you’re asking.
Sorry, my english is a little bad.
There is no difference. You’re just assuming that the two are different. When you create a custom page it’s basically just a shell that is a livewire component. So the process in the second link is the application of your functionality to the livewire component.
It’s fair that there’s some confusion there, but understanding livewire should help with the mental model of how it works.
It has to be described this way in the docs because you can use the forms, or any of the other packages without the panels.
You are right, I'll take some time to read more about liveware.
Thank you for your help