Response Pending with OpenAI
Hi I have SAAS website running on Railway using OpenAI with Next js , the problem is the endpoint not responding after a couple of hours from restarting server but when I restart the server again the endpoint come back and run as excepted , I don't why I have to restart the server each time to make service running I got a lot of issues from my clients , each time they talked to me about the service is not there I restart the server then service it's working -_-
26 Replies
Project ID:
project id
so what technologies are involved in your project?
Next js & OpenAI
I deployed the website on another self-hosted and working fine for 2 months
but with Railway I have to restart the server a lot to make endpoint work
what do your metrics look like
are you deploying to railway with nixpacks?
what version of node is it using?
how I can know ?
build table at the top of the build logs
when you say not responding, can you be more specific? do you get a 404, 503, timeout?
and Nixpacks v1.13.0
just on PENDING status
what is pending, please be more specific
now the service is working on the second time when it shows I will see the status more specific
@Brody Hi can you see the video please
Google Docs
Desktop 2023.08.29 -
As you see the endpoint is pending , when I restart the server it's working
what type of request is that? get, post, websockets?
POST with openAI
whats the full url of that request
that the browser makes
and i assume thats the custom domain for your app
is there anything in the error logs when that happens?
just pending
what do the metrics look like when you get the pending thing