❔ Cannot create a .net core application
I'm using vs2019 and somehow cannot create a .net core project. Can some one help me ?

15 Replies
What type of app are you trying to make?
just console app
Clear the search, and select the relevant option from the project type dropdown, what do you see in the list then?
the only console app I can make is .net framework

ah and im using vs professional 2019
idk if it does anything
in vs installer, on the Individual components tab
what do you have enabled there?
if you open up a terminal and do
dotnet --info
what does it say?i have these with .net

okay, so you dont have the modern dotnet cli installed at all
thats why you cant make .NET applications, only framework
you need to install the x64 .NET SDK
i see the installer does have it but it written out of support

Any particular reason you are still on 2019 btw?
2022 has been out for a while
i guess i'll go for a 2022 one then, i use 2019 to have a same platform with my coworker
we all work on .net framework, .net core is just for my personal use
This is one of the things you'll see on an old vs, it doesn't support net 5 or 6
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