how to deploy just a basic html and css to cloudflare pages from a github repo

hello everyone 🙂 noob here, i thought just choosing none in the framework and naming my html index.html while leaving the build output directory blank would be enough, but it's not working the deployment completes sucessfully but going to the domain says the site can't be reached 😦
7 Replies
Erisa•11mo ago
For future reference, there's #pages-help What you described should work, can you share the domain or a screenshot of the error you get?
Erisa•11mo ago
Works for me
No description
bregue dhue
bregue dhue•11mo ago
oh probably just my dns then
Erisa•11mo ago
I suspect it was still coming online and your browser/device cached the old state in DNS yeah
bregue dhue
bregue dhue•11mo ago
i see, yeah ty
Erisa•11mo ago
No problem