
10 Replies
on rightclick:
if "%event-block%" contains "iron door" and "close":
send "%event-block%"
if player's tool is tripwire hook named "小さな鍵":
remove a tripwire hook named "小さな鍵" from player
play sound "block.wooden_door.close" at player for player
open clicked block
on rightclick:
if "%event-block%" contains "iron door" and "close":
send "%event-block%"
if player's tool is tripwire hook named "小さな鍵":
remove a tripwire hook named "小さな鍵" from player
play sound "block.wooden_door.close" at player for player
open clicked block
名前にiron doorとcloseが入ってたらいいだろと思ったら open: trueのくせに名前にclose入ってるバケモンドアだったのでつまづきました どうしたらいいでしょうか
Skript Hub - Documentation
BlockData - Tags (Expression) - SkBee
Get a list of all block data tags of a Block or BlockData.
これでいけるのか知らんけど 何とかなりそうだ
おれはtag系いじりたく無さすぎて テクスチャ変えたレッドストーンブロックをスイッチにしてる
gladiolus878911mo ago
#Skript 2.5.3 ~
on rightclick:
player is op
player's tool is tripwire hook
if {activate.%location of targeted block%} is not set:
if targeted block is iron trapdoor:
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
if "%target block%" contains "iron door":
distance between player and target block < 6.2
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
deactivate block
delete {activate.%location of targeted block%}
#Skript 2.5.3 ~
on rightclick:
player is op
player's tool is tripwire hook
if {activate.%location of targeted block%} is not set:
if targeted block is iron trapdoor:
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
if "%target block%" contains "iron door":
distance between player and target block < 6.2
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
deactivate block
delete {activate.%location of targeted block%}
if {activate.%location of targeted block%} is not set:
if "%target block%" contains "iron door":
distance between player and target block < 6.2
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
if {activate.%location of targeted block%} is not set:
if "%target block%" contains "iron door":
distance between player and target block < 6.2
activate block
set {activate.%location of targeted block%} to true
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