attach form
I'd like to customize the attach select that is shown when i attach a resource to a course.
The model to attach to has a relation to a related table (like a category of the resource).
When attaching a resource to a course with the relationManager, i'd like to be able to use the select to filter on both the resource_name AND the resource_type.
I try this (where resourceType is the eloquent model relation belongsTo between the 2 tables resource && resource_type)
but i doesn't work, it does not make the join in the query.
An other way would be to present a full table of the model to attach to instead of just the select.
Is there a way to setup the attach form to show a full table of resource (with related resource_type column) with filter so that you can select any row to attach to (after eventualy filtering) ?
Any idea ?
1 Reply
Yeah, I don't think you can use nested columns like
in recordSelectSearchColumns
Not completely sure but I think you would need to access the Select field and customize the query through ->recordSelect(fn ($select) => ...)