How to extend Filament Properties behaviour on NON-DASHBOARD and Un-authentication guarded pages

I understand Filament is meant for dashboards, how to create a custom page that extends filaments layouts and theme on the front/index page just like Login page, how do I inherit that kind of behaviour, I have a create a custom livewire page component, I would like it to have filament css behaviour from dashboard panel same as that on index/homepage use Livewire\Component; My livewire component class class HomePage extends Component { public function render() { return view('livewire.home-page'); } } blade view <div> -- If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled. -- </div> view from browser here is the layout page
2 Replies
Patrick Boivin
For public pages outside of Filament Panels, you can use the individual components (Tables, Forms, etc.) and also some of the Blade components to match the look and feel of Filament. Some of it is documented here:
weadonyoOP2y ago
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