Memory consumption difference
Same app deployed in docker local and Hw(M1 16gb) consumes 52 mb with no load
railway took 74mb can some one suggest why is there big difference
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22mb is not a big difference imo, it is inconsequential, besides youre running your apps on very different hardware in different environments
will there be an option can to select our hardware in future?
railway has no current plans to use arm instead of amd64 based hardware
For me it matters because if we deploy 10 services each consumes 20 mb extra without no load there will be a big difference
a 2$ difference, inconsequential imo
@Prakash Are u using a dockerfile in railway?
yes right
that should not be a factor in this, since if theyre using a dockerfile on railway, they would be using a dockerfile locally too
yep it ran on docker local
again its just down to different hardware, different platform, and a 2$ increase for your scenario is inconsequential imo when you think about the developer explain railway provides
as far railway seems good to me. Love ui/ux and Idea to make it hazzle free deployment.
Yeah, I was just wondering that is prob some overhead on the arch
something along those lines