Feeling Demotivated :(

Hi, hope all are good, I have been doing pure HTML and CSS for a few months, but when I made things, I dont understand how to make it or take days to make a single thing, like recently I make responsive nav bar for first time(first two times I copy from internet to understand how it works and then new design of nav), it took me around a day, which feels me bad, is it natural? How could I overcome this? Thanks, Hamza N.
8 Replies
b1mindβ€’2y ago
Build more on your own without copy/tutorials Practice, by building things.
Adhurim Gashi
Adhurim Gashiβ€’2y ago
Keep working, always show up no matter what and build more by yourself
vinceβ€’2y ago
It took me a day and a half to make the navbar on my website and it's not even written well and there's probably accessibility issues with it. I've been coding for 4 years now πŸ˜‚
xelβ€’2y ago
listen to some Jocko! Discipline > Motivation
Doing anything that requires skill the first time will be far harder and take much longer than doing it the 10,000th time.
Adedoyin Adeyemo Muhammed
@Hamza Naeem I would suggest you go on YouTube, watch senior developers make the same navbar to learn about their code, from html structure to styling. Sometimes we just need that little help to do things better. If there is anything you do not understand in the code, seek more knowledge. HTML and CSS are great building blocks many newbies now underrate, but, trust me, you aren’t gonna be that developer if you have no strong footing in these two. Also, just know CSS, especially, will feel overwhelming at first, but all you need is the basics that are enough to get you through layouts. For now, don’t push your luck, just do something simple and do it well.
Hamza Naeem
Hamza NaeemOPβ€’2y ago
I am almost daily doing code 3 to 4 hours Makes sense for example, if I make e.g. navbar for first time, I dont know how it is made, then copy it to understand how it works is fine? I did this first time and then make new navbar different from first one. Super useful
sekerhalithamzaβ€’2y ago
I would recommend you to learn how to design a website first and then when you are there with a problem, dont just look at the full tutoriul or code. For example you dont know how to build a responsive navbar. First think about how it will work, second code the part that you can, third pars the problems into smaller ones and look at them. That way you can solve otherlike problems without internet.

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