Loading data from a relationship in a form

I've used the form builder and we save all the data into json and store it in single column. This works well! Now, I want to load all the data into the form and I can do that in a custom form. But I am trying to do it as part of a relationship.... i.e. the data is stored in a submissions table and then there is a forms table, so they select the form and it loads in the submissions data... How can I achive this?
4 Replies
toekneeOP2y ago
Patrick Boivin
Hey @toeknee, I'm not sure my use-case is the same but I think I did something similar recently with a Group and a custom statePath(). Can you share a bit of code from your form? Can be privately if you prefer.
toekneeOP2y ago
I thought that needs to return an array type still? Will have a check first. Atm I've just created a new form from a custom action, it's really a relationship, but I don't want people handling it like a relationship if that makes sense
Patrick Boivin
Sorry, I think I still don't fully understand the use-case

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