Route Parameters and Multi-Tenancy
Hiya! I'm attempting to put together Multi-Tenancy in Laravel10/Filament3 - I am following the guide on Filaments website, but I have a couple of roadblocks where this newbie is at a loss. Apologies if they are silly questions. I'm learning!
* As instructed I created the register page in Pages/Tenancy/ - but as it appears far removed from 'Page' it doesn't support navigation discovery magic - so I've had to build a route manually into the page.
* Now I have the AdminPanelProvider setting a tenant -pages which are auto-discovered don't have the 'tenant' parameter being passed through. "Missing required parameter for [Route: filament.admin.pages.verizon] [URI: admin/{tenant}/verizon] [Missing parameter: tenant]"
* I bound the tenantProfile to the edit page in panel as described, but I then receive Route [filement.admin.tenant.profile] not defined.
6 Replies
for the profile you need specify to use new url
From what I can see, the URLs are being auto-generated when it's dynamically loading all the pages though. Do I have to teach the discovery process something?
Thanks - I will have a read
I have added the URL modification and although in a circumstance it still complained of a missing parameter, but the rest work, it could have been (now) a cache issue. The tenant is now being passed through file.
Only challenge now is the tenant is being bound to every CRUD page, when I have some CRUD pages which are designed to be internal and will not require a client relationship:
"The model [App\Models\Permission] does not have a relationship named [client]. You can change the relationship being used by passing it to the [ownershipRelationship] argument of the [tenant()] method in configuration. You can change the relationship being used per-resource by setting it as the [$tenantOwnershipRelationshipName] static property on the [App\Filament\Resources\PermissionResource] resource class."
I tried playing around with $tenantOwnershipRelationshipName - and it was looking at that variable, but I would presume there is a more elegant way of saying this model-does-not-apply.
Thanks for the help!
Ah, found it - appears the 'register new client' link in the tenancy selector is not passing the parameter, so it must be being set another way rather than the panel.
what was your solution? it looks for "client" relation on every resource i have, even though those resources and not related to clients.
Hey Dor, I didn't actually get a solution, so instead I have attempted to pose the question in another potentially clearer way as it may have been lost in the original intention of this one. See
because it isn't just limited to 'resources' - general 'pages' appear afflicted by the same issue, at least when processed like the livewire 'register you client' starting point is used.
You can see the behaviour here: user [email protected] pwd 12345678 (don't worry, no sensitive info there)
You'll see that if you click 'Verizon' or 'Helix' the interface component (Livewire in the case of Verizon) - but if you select the admin dropdown and select 'register new client' you'll receive an error saying it's looking for
Which oddly, is the same thing that happened when I temporarily changed the path from 'admin' to 'app'
I'll keep digging, but I first want to understand the quickest path to putting in a field with a 'verify' button/action next to it that fires off a request and waits for the answer - so trying to figure out the best guide to that problem 😉