C#11mo ago

❔ Hierarchical data types and inheritance

I have a small file browser app, and I use view models to store the files (lazily loading child files when my view models' IsExpanded property is modified by the view). But I'm struggling to find a way to avoid repeating the same code for the same type of files (as in, file extension like .zip) when those files are placed in special folder view models. I have BaseTreeItem which is the base view model for all tree items. Then, BasePhysicalTreeItem (contains a File Path) which PhsyicalTreeFile and PhsyicalTreeFolder (which stores child BaseTreeItems) both extend. But then I could have special files, like ZipTreeFile or MyCustomCompressionTreeFile or TextDocumentTreeFile. ZipTreeFile would contain a collection of children (similar to PhysicalTreeFolder), but they would be of type BaseZipEntryViewModel (which extends BaseTreeItem) so that it can store a reference to the owning Zip file and other stuff to. And now the problem is that, I have to have 2 different types of TextDocumentTreeFile, one for a physical file, and one for a zipped file:
class PhysicalTextDocumentTreeFile : PhsyicalTreeFile {}
class ZippedTextDocumentTreeFile : BaseZipEntryViewModel {}
class PhysicalTextDocumentTreeFile : PhsyicalTreeFile {}
class ZippedTextDocumentTreeFile : BaseZipEntryViewModel {}
and there's no way to have some common base class for text documents, meaning I have to repeat the same code for both of those types. How can I get around this?
4 Replies
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but what is it that would be reapeated? also should it be inherited (or can it be done by composition)?
Angius11mo ago
A separate type for an archive file I get, because it's a file but behaves like a directory But I don't think you need separate classes for zips, tars, tar.gzs, 7zs, rars, and everything else
br4kejet11mo ago
As in there doesn't need to be a custom "Zip file" and "Zip folder" class? The only thing with that is having to create a general file path, which could either be the physical file path or the file path within the archive (zip) file In the case of the text document file, I would need to implement the same functionality twice for the PhysicalTextDocumentTreeFile and ZippedTextDocumentTreeFile, such as a ReadText function or GetCharCount or something like that I thought maybe using composition, where i'd have the physical and archived text file objects, and then a TextDocumentFile property for both of them. But then the other problem is if I need the same setup for another type of file, like some sort of custom compression archive... I'd have the class CustomArchiveFile as a property for both PhysicalCustomArchiveFile and ZippedCustomArchiveFile but then i'd somehow have to manage their child items, because CustomArchiveFile would contain its own hierarchy of items
Accord11mo ago
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