Filamentβ€’11mo ago

Laravel filament relationship manager (attach two belongtomany attribute)

Here database tables struture 1. Products table products - name 2. Features table features - name 3. Types table types - name - feature_id 4. Pivot table (products and features) product_feature - product_id - feature_id 5. Pivot table (products and types) product_type - product_id - type_id In the product resource, I need to attach product_features and product_types to a product when edit a product (both are belongsTomany relationship) Example: Attach -> features -> Attach -> type (droplist which has related feature_id of types)
4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’11mo ago
I think these should be two separate Relation Managers each with its own Attach Action
sathishβ€’11mo ago
ok, Can you please share any docs related the kinds of UI?
sathishβ€’11mo ago