displaying responsive images using SpatieMediaLibrary plugin for filament

i installed this package a few days ago and updated my Post model accordingly, everything went okay, ran the migrations to no problem, etc but i don't understand how to utilize the responsive images that get created. from the form i can preview the image and the responsive images all of them are generated on my storage folder, but once i get to the front-end those responsive images arent attached on the page. output on the html:
<img src="http://localhost/storage/7/S1WoMcZoiOPEgrKLgDH5jVyqtZfG4Q-metaYnAtMTk4Ni1hbGJ1bXMud2VicA==-.webp">
<img src="http://localhost/storage/7/S1WoMcZoiOPEgrKLgDH5jVyqtZfG4Q-metaYnAtMTk4Ni1hbGJ1bXMud2VicA==-.webp">
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null): void
->fit(Manipulations::FIT_CROP, 300, 300)
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null): void
->fit(Manipulations::FIT_CROP, 300, 300)
this is what i have on the form:
this is what i have on the table function and i can't see the thumbnail there,
im using version : * 10.11.3 of the plugin and im currently at v2.17.52 of filament.
6 Replies
warpigOP2y ago
hi @josef
josef2y ago
Ok, just to understand. Are you not getting the correct images in the frontend, or in the table?
warpigOP2y ago
Front end @josef But also on the table So both but i want to fix the front end first
josef2y ago
How are you getting the images on the frontend? Can you share some code? You're using a collection, but for the image column you're not specifying the collection
warpigOP2y ago
getting the images from my controller like this:
$latestPosts = Post::where('active', '=', 1)
->where('published_at', '<', Carbon::now())
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')

$postImages = $latestPosts->each(function ($post) {
$post->images = $post->getMedia('thumbnails')->map(fn ($image) => [
'src' => $image->getUrl(),
'srcSet' => $image->getSrcset('preview')
return $post;
$latestPosts = Post::where('active', '=', 1)
->where('published_at', '<', Carbon::now())
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')

$postImages = $latestPosts->each(function ($post) {
$post->images = $post->getMedia('thumbnails')->map(fn ($image) => [
'src' => $image->getUrl(),
'srcSet' => $image->getSrcset('preview')
return $post;
class="relative lg:absolute lg:inset-0 w-full h-96 lg:h-full object-top object-cover"
src="{{ $latestPost->getMedia('thumbnails') }}"
alt="Thumbnail of the newest post"
srcset="{{ $postImages->first()->getFirstMedia('thumbnails')->getSrcset() }}"
class="relative lg:absolute lg:inset-0 w-full h-96 lg:h-full object-top object-cover"
src="{{ $latestPost->getMedia('thumbnails') }}"
alt="Thumbnail of the newest post"
srcset="{{ $postImages->first()->getFirstMedia('thumbnails')->getSrcset() }}"
I think this is working, but i have other variables like $categories which uses another table "categories" along with eloquent and sql conditions providing me with a "distinct result" for the homepage but how could i use $postImages for other variables? trait? how would that look like?
warpigOP2y ago
but yeah i think it worked might be the case for another question? 😄 🫡

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