Filamentβ€’11mo ago

Testing for Infolist actions (hintAction)

I have a Filament\Infolists\Components\TextEntry with a hintAction. Are there any action test methods for these? I am using ->test(Resource\View::class, ...) and assertActionExists works for actions setup in getHeaderActions`. But this fails for those on the infolist components.
4 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivinβ€’11mo ago
Do you want to assert that the action exists on the TextEntry or test the action code itself?
trovsterβ€’11mo ago
Both! πŸ™‚
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivinβ€’11mo ago
I'm not too familiar with testing on v3 yet, so maybe someone else can comment with more information. From a quick look though, I think one option is to manually dig into the infolist component to grab the TextEntry instance and perform assertions:
$testable = Livewire::test(ViewPage::class, ['record' => ...]);

/** @var ViewPage $page */
$page = $testable->instance();

$testable = Livewire::test(ViewPage::class, ['record' => ...]);

/** @var ViewPage $page */
$page = $testable->instance();

I think the same can be applied to mount and run the action
trovsterβ€’11mo ago
Thanks. I'll have to investigate a little more.