Filament11mo ago

Select::createOptionForm not always work

Hello, I'm using a Select with createOptionForm in RegisterTenant and EditTenant. It's working pretty well in edit page but not in register page, the modal doesn't appear. I tink the feature doesns't works outside Filament panel layout, there is maybe a missing dependency ? Thanks for help ❤️
3 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin11mo ago
I think you'll need to override the register-tenant Blade view in your RegisterTenant component. Try adding this line outside of the form tag:
<x-filament-actions::modals />
<x-filament-actions::modals />
LeandroFerreira11mo ago
@Patrick Boivin @Ashk same question here https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/discussions/7988
External page and Select::createOptionForm · filamentphp filament ·...
Hello, I'm using a Select with createOptionForm in RegisterTenant and EditTenant. It's working pretty well in edit page but not in register page, the modal doesn't appear. I don't k...
Ashk11mo ago
Thanks a lot, it's mine ahha, I put as solve here ! Thanks both of you