About AI code tools like Github Copilot
Hello guys what you think about Github Copilot and other AI pair programming tools, have you used it, liked or not, suggest to anyone new etc, thanks
19 Replies
phind best
normal copilot is ass
copilot X is not yet released
bard unusable
chatgpt not that important anymore for coders with phind
okay thanks but i am looking for 'code completion' feature mostly
none really has that
wait for copilot x then
nice then, i ll still push on keys to make something
or found skynet...only these two options are available

or intelliCode in VS
phind is really good but it has its goofy moments
i dont wanna prompt it or write any comment
i want a complimentary tool to write better

intellisense of VS is an AI which is trained for auto complete and can be trained by you
Visual studio has something like that for c#
thats the best you can get for that
intellisense.. also exists now for vscode
i've had a decent experience with github copilot, most of the time it's smart enough to generate something close to what i want
just don't expect a ton from it, mostly repeating patterns that you have elsewhere in the file or small method implementations
If its giving similar results to intelliCode (2-3 line code suggestion) i am ok
until copilot X isnt out i wouldnt spend money on it
Probably X will be more expensive tho
phind and X are on a race ...lets see who wins