Please suggest deployment servers for filamentphp3

Would like deployment that keeps updates with my GitHub Repo Hello. I am looking for suggestions or help on where or how to deploy my applications developed with FilamentPhp. I own an Ubuntu Server for my customers websites (mainly Wordpress) and I can deploy there in any subfolder. But I would like to have something more professional which allows me to get the GitHub updates of my software published semi automatically. Sorry if I don't explain myself very well. Decades developing with antique systems and languages and I need to brush up quickly, so I need suggestions on where or how to begin. Thanks very much.
I tend to use with Digital Ocean droplets
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7 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’2y ago
There are so many options and different Workflows. You could use Envoy (official Laravel product). You could setup deployment via GitHub Actions 3000mins per month are free. You could also just send a Webhook when you push to GitHub and have a bash script on your server to handle the deployment. I like using Deployer PHP. It lets you define tasks for your deployment and run them on different Hosts. Either manually from CLI or triggered via a webhook or CI pipeline
ZedoXβ€’2y ago
An easy way to provision and manage the server is to use. Laravel forge or Ploi
Bleakβ€’2y ago
checkout ploi and deployhq
awcodesβ€’2y ago
I tend to use with Digital Ocean droplets
Albert Lens
Albert LensOPβ€’2y ago
Thank you everybody. I am really newbie to "modern developing" and getting along very quickly but I would like to improve even more. So I'll check all those and be back with my results. Tks.
JamesTechDudeβ€’2y ago
I personally use A2Hosting, unmanaged VPS Server, Almalinux I then SSH into it with VS Code to do any coding/editing/etc (use SSH keys! and turn off password login) You can setup git very easily and use "git pull" and "git push" to keep up to date with your online repo (use SSH keys as well) If you really wanted to, you can also setup a cronjob to keep it updated on it's own by doing "git pull" however often you want, but this isn't recommended for production folders This is around $70 USD per month, though, for a fast server For a cheap/slower server, it's as cheap as around $5 to $30 USD per month (I think) This will give you a server to use that will be online 99% of the time. And the only way to access it is through WHM/cPanel, or SSH You can get their managed VPS server for around $10 to $20 USD more per month, which I recommend if you're new to linux/WHM/cPanel. This will let you still have admin access (running npm, artisan, and other commands), but they will set up the server for you and manage it if you have any issues
Albert Lens
Albert LensOPβ€’2y ago
Thank you everyone. I have my, for the moment, very little application up and running in the server provider of my choice (which is not one of the preconfigured in Forge). Found several difficulties, but achieved to get along. The result is and working with SSL I decided to go for the FORGE option first, and everything is working fine expect for the fact that I cannot connect to the database from outside with DataTables, but I will achieve that also in the short future, I hope. I repeat, THANKS to everybody. πŸ‘ πŸ˜„ I will mark one as solved, though all of you have helped me a lot.

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