IconColumn enum

I´m trying to use a IconColumn on a field which is casting a Enum. I´m getting this error: App\Filament\Resources\QualityResource::App\Filament\Resources{closure}(): Argument #1 ($state) must be of type string, App\Enum\QualityType given Is there another way to get this working? Code-example use Filament\Tables\Columns\IconColumn; IconColumn::make('type') ->icon(fn (string $state): string => match ($state) { 'draft' => 'heroicon-o-pencil', 'reviewing' => 'heroicon-o-clock', 'published' => 'heroicon-o-check-circle', })
2 Replies
Salah Kanjo
Salah Kanjo2y ago
Just change string type to QualityType, Make sure to import it as well
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
What Salah said. Also check the docs for the HasIcons interface

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