mfad2y ago

How do you keep your wardrobe trendy?

Trends come and go through the years but how do you guys keep your wardrobe fresh? Without buying or having too many clothes. Do you buy and sell through the years? Do you just not stick with the trends?
17 Replies
Spuck2y ago
by realising most trends are transitory, forced, and that I have no interest in them
Nayyyyy2y ago
I pick up a trend or two if I like them. I'm just picky. If you're knowledgeable about stuff it's easy to thoughtfully integrate new pieces in. Or decide you're not able to, and skip. Guess it's about personal style and then experimenting when you want to
kalvinOP2y ago
Gotcha. Posted in the outfit feedback yesterday and was told the outfit was fine but off trend. And it got me thinking about my wardrobe.
lichter2y ago
how to incorporate trends is one of the later, but most important skills you learn about personal style. personal style that is static isn't style, it's just a snapshot of your time. your wardrobe should evolve over time, but that doesn't mean you abandon your personal style or that you need to drastically change your wardrobe
enterthelair2y ago
Gradualism. Only buy like 1 piece a month. This way u stay up tod ate. With what you want but you don’t go too deep into any one phase
Bigelow2y ago
The only thing really needed to make that outfit more on trend, though, was styling, as opposed to buying more clothes. So sometimes it's not about buying things to make an outfit more on trend, it's just switching from crop and cuff to a break or hem. But some people here are frequently selling old clothing and buying more. Keep in mind that trends in mens fashion are pretty slow cycles, and it's very possible to strike a balance between staying on trend and getting a lot of life out of your clothes
kalvinOP2y ago
Yeah thanks for the tip yesterday. But the comment just made me think about my whole wardrobe in general if I'm starting to look too dated lol Made me think about how I can stay relatively fresh without filling up my wardrobe too much at the same time
Bigelow2y ago
If it helps, I sold a lot of slim fit chinos when getting back into mfa 😅
kalvinOP2y ago
I'm starting with my trousers. Slowly getting into regular fits. Sometimes I also run into the issues of my tops being slim fitted which doesn't always mix well with wider bottom fits Some pieces I am also having a hard time letting go lol
Spuck2y ago
Big Pants ohyes
raisinpie2y ago
Cycling wardrobes is a great way to stay on trend, esp if you don't like wearing the same thing every day. You do have to approach it differently to avoid bleeding money.
KissGo-Goat2y ago
I think a more fitted top can look great with a wider pant
Halo2y ago
If you really like some things or are attached-- and Marie kondo-ing doesn't cut it --you don't have to get rid of them. There are plenty of uses for slim fit tops even if they're not part of your daily rotation (for now)
sinbad2y ago
I buy an entire wardrobe keep it for 30 days then utilize the store’s exchange policy for new clothes
sharloy2y ago
I agree but make sure it’s not too long. A cropped slimmer top looks good imo
Spuck2y ago
That store, Shein
sinbad2y ago
no, I take advantage of small businesses only

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