How do i replace Admin Panel header/layout
Is it possible to replace default Admin Panel header? I want to add things, remove search etc..
Here is a image of what i am talking about.

13 Replies
I don’t think it’s a separate component. To add things you could use some render hooks. To remove the search some css.
thanks Dennis. What do you mean when you say some render hooks? Are you familiar with any part of documentation where i can read more about it, example, or just a text?
use freaking search. it's just that simple
what is your problem and why this tone dude? how did i upset you? why you bother to answer?
The tone is inappropriate, but they are right: The docs have a search function and you get good results for "render hooks", so please make use of it.
@krekas sometimes things can be hard to find - I've had to ask a couple of questions because I didn't know what it was called. Little bit of understanding here mate. Vlad sounded like he was after clarification on them first.
@Vladimir please remember to mark the the answer in this thread.
In this case it was really not hard to find 😉
That's why I say I think he was looking for clarification.
i have not said that search is not proper and good thing to do. Tone is inappropriate. This is suposed to be friendly and helpful and not smart ass community. This is what laravel/livewire/tailwind makes different from others.
What is not hard for you to find, does not mean it is not hard for everyone. And simple point would be enough. You know where it is, and you know how to find it. Someone else miht not know.
will do. thanks.
I agree: Tone is inappropriate and some things are hard to find. But be honest: Was "render hooks" hard to find in the docs?
what is your point? Shall i answer was it hard to point someone who asking for help, just changing your answer by adding a simple - you can easily find more by searching the docs with "render hooks".
TO answer your question - no, it was not hard, i shall be more careful when i ask for help next time and i will be smarter and instead of asking you if there is something in docs related to it as you obviously know better than me, i will try to search in docs first. Would you agree that adding simple - we got this in documentation, would prevent all of later conversation here? I am sure you do 🙂 Thank you for answer, one more time ❤️
So as the bottom line, i appologize that i had not search docs first. I would save all of us time . Sorry
Would you agree that adding simple - we got this in documentation, would prevent all of later conversation hereYes.
instead of asking you if there is something in docs related to it [...], i will try to search in docs first.But this too 😉 Again: I am happy to help if stuff is hard to find. Please don't refrain from asking question. But give it a short search first.