Filamentβ€’2y ago

Custom form page submit button isn't styled

I am using v3 panel builder and need a simple form...or a create form and an edit form. I have done this by creating a custom page along with the two form components I need...one for creating, one for editing. (There is a simple trait that returns the shared form schema.) My custom page simply calls @livewire('create-form') (or 'edit-form', depending)....and the form shows up nicely. The problem is that the submit button isn't styled. Yes, I can style it myself, but I feel like I'm missing something. Is it expected that one should style it "manually"...? Or have I missed something along the way...? Thanks...
<x-filament::button type="submit">Submit</x-filament::button>
<x-filament::button type="submit">Submit</x-filament::button>
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9 Replies
LeandroFerreiraβ€’2y ago
<x-filament::button type="submit">Submit</x-filament::button>
<x-filament::button type="submit">Submit</x-filament::button>
TravisOPβ€’2y ago
Thx. Do you know if this is documented anywhere...? I scour the docs, but sometimes I can't find things that I know I have read before, so I know I'm missing things sometimes. 😳
TravisOPβ€’2y ago
Thx. I have seen a "form" component, but it isn't listed here. Any info on how to use that...?
awcodesβ€’2y ago
there is no complete "form" component. you use these components to build up what you need. or just use a panel πŸ™‚
TravisOPβ€’2y ago
OK. I was looking at vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/form...but can see that only the Page and Widget seem to be defined as "components" in that package. Thx. I'll poke around...maybe use the panel. I was just wanting to have the same spacing with my custom form as I have with the "standard" forms. πŸ˜… Actually...I don't see any Panel component...so perhaps that's not what you meant....
awcodesβ€’2y ago
Panel is the main package that provides a shell around all the packages. and you can style it with a custom theme. but you may not need a full "admin" panel. in which case you can keep doing what you're doing.
TravisOPβ€’2y ago
OK. I'm using a combination, I guess. I have the need for a create/edit form, but not the listing or anything else. I first went the route of creating a resource and trying to control it so that it didn't show the listing and the breadcrumbs were "right", etc....but it seemed like it was too much. So, I instead created a custom page that will display the individual create/edit forms, depending. This is the way to go if one needs a kind of standalone create/edit for a single resource. It's like a Profile resource for users...but each user will only ever have one or none.
awcodesβ€’2y ago
Makes sense.

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