[GQ] Edgy Albert Q+A: Wear Bigger Pants, and Other Advice From Menswear TikTok Star Edgy Albert
Wear Bigger Pants, and Other Advice From Menswear TikTok Star Edgy ...
The social media sensation on his rapid rise, the wardrobe staples every guy needs, and why he thinks fashion should be sillier.
36 Replies
“TikTok star” lmao
i really enjoy pairing my big pants with my wife pleasers
i do not like this man's videos
annoying influencer stuff aside I think his recs are actually very solid. A lot of people want easy paths to more interesting looks. Gone are the days where plain tees and flat-front chinos shorts are any sort of fashion statement or upgrade in contrast to general mainstream trends in the late 2010s. Met made a good comment along these lines just a few minutes ago in general
He's definitely hitting options for the everyman, but with how fast things travel now there's just a billion edgy albert clones in ben davis pants and vintage button downs in every major city
to be clear i don't think any of this is bad
GQ as always writing articles past-peak. Decent advice still tho imo and a solid way to combat concerns about tackling "elevated" fashion attempts compared the minimal/basic from previous BB or MFA-core iterations
most of his vids are pretty thirst-trappy too
Oh I think his usage of "w*fe pl**ser" is awful
which, hats off to him
Ya he finally leaned into it. My issue is him making videos that are just “anyone else like putting on a fit and getting complimented at the market” or whatever. Like, you’re getting complimented because you’re very handsome not because they like your wranglers.
it's a bit of both
I can deal with the “big pant little shirt? Little shirt big pant?” Stuff because it really is practical info and helpful even if repetitive tho
but it doesn't hurt to be a skinny and hairy man these days
If I grow my thick moustache back I can kind of look like his “before” picture.
I hate the term wife pleaser
Is being hairy in now? I was a bit unsure
I can understand the critisicm of his content. But I do like a lot of his fits and they are pretty approachable. He also seems like a decent guy. I'm just not a massive Fan of Tiktok it's too fast foe
concerns are you refering to?

i think in general beards/mustaches are in, and hairy chests have had a resurgence
i can grow neither
Yeah beards def and moustaches as well. But I feel like beards have been in for a decent amount of time
The one trend I really don't get is mullets
It seems like people are sometimes intimated by pieces that are truly pretty innocuous. For example OCBDs being too “fancy”
^ it took my wife a while of me wearing them with some regularity to stop asking if i was 'dressed up'
Good point I catch myself having the same thoughts sometimes. I think there is a balance to be struck ofc. But most tend to worry too much
I even struggle lol I often wear OCBDs as just a kinda nice shirt. But then you have like @oxfordclothbuttondown on IG wearing them with baggies all the time
Pool day fit on deck.
#ocbdblog #tradstyle #ivystyle #propercloth #patagonia #ametora #ptoman #ametora #guyswithstyle #preppymen

Or cut off fatigues
#ocbdblog #tradstyle #ivystyle #propercloth #quoddy #jcrew #preppymen #mensstreetstyle #ptoman #ametora

Talking about Influencers I had the most mfa triggering insta video come up which was all pro slim fits in a really agressive way.
A lot of fashion influencers are so bad that being normal kinda just makes you good
no, absolutely not
People forget that your style should match your vibe as a person. OCBD and baggies is a great look but that guy just looks way too clean-cut and straightlaced to pull it off
he definitely hits the;
rule 1: be attractive
rule 2: don't be unattractive
Finally my time to shine
POV u r having a conversation w a zoomer who thinks ur taste in music sucks

It’s okay to be wrong
Bad take
my bad it was clearly 100% serious from me, i'll do better next time
Oh whoops my bad I didn’t see the message you were replying to
lol no worries, I was confused and annoyed but now I'm not. Just silly discord layout things
I have never, will never be wrong 😌