Summaries: how to change mail label

Please, help: I am using the summarize function to get totals and averages of certain columns in tables, but it always says: SUMMARY in English in the first columns. How can I change that label? Not each one label for each summary part, such as SUM, AVERAGE, etc., but the global one. Thanks a lot.
Ok. I found it.
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5 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Have you tried ->label('...')? Strange... it looks like it should be translated correctly:
Albert Lens
Albert LensOP2y ago
Label is correct for the Average, for example ==> Average::make()->label('Promedio') and for the Sum::make()->label('Suma'), but the whole of both is shown as SUMMARY
Albert Lens
Albert Lens2y ago
Ok. I found it.
Albert Lens
Albert LensOP2y ago
I published translations and in file lang\vendor\filament-tables\es\table.php (es is for my Spanish locale) I could not find the section for SUMMARY, but I copied it from the English file at lang\vendor\filament-tables\en\table.php, changed what I wanted and done!!!
Patrick Boivin

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