Error following push

SQLITE_UNKNOWN: SQLite error: no such table: main.__old_push_resume Not sure what to do about this. Any thoughts?
3 Replies
SteveSOP2y ago
This error was due to me previously adding a foreign key constraint to one of my tables, then removing/updating the table it was referring to. sqlite doesn't allow foreign keys to be dropped. I had to create a new table without the fk, copy over all the data, drop the old table, and rename the new table to the old one. Now it works.
Mykhailo12mo ago
Hello, @SteveS! Sorry for disturbing you, could you please clarify detailed workflow to reproduce this issue? I need for troubleshooting
SteveSOP12mo ago
I really can't remember much of this. Looks like I was pushing changes to a table, like adding a column, and when I did that it would make intermediary tables. In this case it was a table of resume information. I probably had a FK constraint with a user table and then added a column

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