Rendering a component before the user menu on the header
I don't know what I did wrong here, but I created a ServiceProvider that does the folliwing in the
The components are standard components that were created through php arsisan make:component TeamSwitcher
7 Replies
Code looks good. I see no static in docs so think you should remove that. So best guess is your component is not found
That's a thought.
Not 100% sure but I think
static fn ()
just means you can't access $this
inside of the closure, like a static method.
Did you forget to close the tag? <x-team-switcher />
I sure did.
didn't make much of a difference though.
Did you try with
like in the docs?
Or try returning a view()
I ended up upgrading to Filament V3 as part of the solution. I'll take a further look at it once the upgrade is done.
Yeah I had a custom banner that worked in v2 and now it doesn't work in v3.