Relation with where id check doesnt work like i want it

I have this piece of code that allows searching all the assets
->label('Selecteer aan middel')
->label('Selecteer aan middel')
but now i want them filtered on a organisation_id this is what i did in the model.
public function asset()
return $this->belongsTo(Asset::class)->where('organisation_id', Filament::auth()->user()->organisation_id);
public function asset()
return $this->belongsTo(Asset::class)->where('organisation_id', Filament::auth()->user()->organisation_id);
but when i check it with Telescope i see that the organisation_id check is never performed. Anyone tips for me ?
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Showing relational data of a Filament resource
I've started using Filament PHP for creating a Laravel based intranet application but stumbled across a question I couldn't answer myself using the official documentation: What's the easiest way to...
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Zakhaev2y ago
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Showing relational data of a Filament resource
I've started using Filament PHP for creating a Laravel based intranet application but stumbled across a question I couldn't answer myself using the official documentation: What's the easiest way to...

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