Image Column I Can't See My Image
the column thumbnail in the database has the full path from my public folder to my image and i
used disk('public') in $table and the default storage is public why the image doen't appear after that??
4 Replies
The database field shouldn’t be the full url. How did you save the image? Can you share your form code?
Just to add to this, I am seeing the same issue. My db record stores the relative path from the public dir, the edit/create methods are correct. When the column pulls the data from the db - there is nothing (empty) in src="" - if the path was wrong i would at least expect to see an incorrect filename.
The path is validated via Storage Facade before it's output. Check the ImageColumn source code.
I've had a rootle in there, will add some ray commands and see whats being thrown out
Thanks, solved - wrong 'public'