C#11mo ago

❔ How do I see possible options using the dotnet CLI?

dotnet publish --help shows help menu. For example,
-a, --arch <ARCH> The target architecture.
-a, --arch <ARCH> The target architecture.
is a possible option. How do I view all possible options I can pass? Another example:
--os <OS> The target operating system.
--os <OS> The target operating system.
12 Replies
aes11mo ago
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish#arguments is helpful and what I use but was hoping all the options would be embedded in the CLI as well
dotnet publish command - .NET CLI
The dotnet publish command publishes a .NET project or solution to a directory.
you can dig for help messages with /? or -? dependent on the shell dotnet /? will show all base options and if you dig deeper you can do dotnet publish /? on any command you get a help message
aes11mo ago
both those work on windows terminal but when I try to use it with a command it just thinks it's a parameter e.g.,
dotnet publish --arch /?
dotnet publish --arch /?
tries to build with RID set to win-/?
Angius11mo ago
dotnet publish --help?
aes11mo ago
I can get the help menu for dotnet publish easily But the help menu shows possible options some of which also take parameters
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aes11mo ago
can I get the possible parameters straight from the CLI? sorry if I wasnt clear
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog it would be a pretty long help menu to show what is possible
.NET Runtime Identifier (RID) catalog
Learn about the runtime identifier (RID) and how RIDs are used in .NET.
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Unknown User11mo ago
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aes11mo ago
hmm that's fair this is helpful too though
i just clicked on the link in the black screenshot there
Accord11mo ago
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