Searchable table with nested values

Is there a way to make the table search look for (nested) values which are not defined as a column? Lets say we have a table with orders. I want to look up all orders which have order lines with a certain type (i.e. virtual product). Is this possible?
6 Replies
MagoohOP2y ago
If I could extend the search query and write a custom query that'd totally work for me as well. Tried to use the public static function getEloquentQuery for this but that doesn't have access to the search query
Patrick Boivin
Which version of Filament?
MagoohOP2y ago
V2! Sorry, should've inlcuded that
Patrick Boivin
Instead of getEloquentQuery() on the resource, you could explore around applySearchToTableQuery() in the List page class
MagoohOP2y ago
This looks like what I am looking for. Thanks. Will explore further For others running into the same problem:
// ListOrders.php

protected function applySearchToTableQuery(Builder $query): Builder
if (filled($searchQuery = $this->getTableSearchQuery())) {
return $query->whereHas('orderLines', function (Builder $query) use ($searchQuery) {
$query->where('type', '=', $searchQuery);

return $query;
// ListOrders.php

protected function applySearchToTableQuery(Builder $query): Builder
if (filled($searchQuery = $this->getTableSearchQuery())) {
return $query->whereHas('orderLines', function (Builder $query) use ($searchQuery) {
$query->where('type', '=', $searchQuery);

return $query;
Will mark as done!
toeknee2y ago
A heads up this won't work in V3, since getTableSearchQuery doesn't exist. Currently working to find a solution

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