Update v3

I can't update the domain en domains, what should I do ? I've done a composer update and a filament:upgrade but it still doesn't update the HasRoutes folder.
24 Replies
Patrick Boivin
I don't understand the issue... what is not being updated exactly?
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
I got the error Bad Method Call: Did you mean Filament\Panel::getDomain() ?. I can't update to the latest version of filament php. I know that now the function must I named getDomains() how to do?
Patrick Boivin
I'm not sure, have you tried php artisan optimize:clear ?
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
yes, and I still get the error that the HasRoutes file doesn't update from getDomain() to getDomains() @pboivin
Patrick Boivin
Which version of filament exactly? Can you run php artisan about.
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
My error is that the HasRoutes file is not up to date, it keeps the getDomain() function when it should be getDomains().
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Make sure you really are on the latest v3 version of Filament and not on an alpha version.
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
I'm on v3.0.8
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
we are on .24 by now
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
How can I upgrade to .24?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
composer update?
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
I still have the same problem with getDomains() 😦
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Then you are very probable still not on the latest version.
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
Here's my composer.json, I deleted the vendor and redid composer update and I still get the error, is there an error in my composer.json?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Looks fine if all the plugins are compatible. But doesn't say anything about the real installed version. Do a composer info filament/filament and check for the real version.
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
I can't get any version other than 3.0.8.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Then probably some of your dependencies block the update. Try composer update -W
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
No, it's always the same. Could it be because I'm using Laravel 9 and not 10 ?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Oh right. I missed that one. LW requires Laravel 10 now, so we follow that
Becker Maxime
Becker MaximeOP2y ago
Ok, thank you very much for your help, I'll try with laravel 10 sorry for the inconvenience.

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