
Hello I'm trying to render a tooltip in ideally html. This is in Table Builder version 2. I have installed @ryangjchandler/alpine-tooltip. I need to at least format the tooltip with new lines. I see where the tooltip div is rendered with x-tooltip.raw=. Is there any way to swap x-tooltip.raw= with x-tooltip.html in the tooltip() method?
8 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin11mo ago
I'm not sure but maybe you could add the attributes manually instead of using ->tooltip():
'x-data' => '{}',
'x-tooltip.html' => new HtmlString(' ... '),
'x-data' => '{}',
'x-tooltip.html' => new HtmlString(' ... '),
Buroflow Dev
Buroflow Dev11mo ago
Hi @pboivin , Thanks for that. The x-tooltip.html doesn't override the tooltip() default: x-tooltip.raw. When I add this as x-tooltip.html in the extraAttributes(), the tooltip displays, but no content. If I change it to x-tooltip.raw it works. Content displays, but no formatting. I'm displaying an array from a JSON file so I need at least new lines to separate the fields for easier reading. Do I need to change something in Filament?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
He said „instead of“ not both at the same time. Can you show the version that is not working
Buroflow Dev
Buroflow Dev11mo ago
Hi @Dennis Koch , Okay. I removed the tooltip() from the field and added the x-tooltip.html as shown. Here's the TextColumn: TextColumn::make('loc_id')->label('Loc ID') ->extraAttributes([ 'class' => 'p-px text-sm', 'x-data' => '{}', 'x-tooltip.html' => new HtmlString('<h1>Hello World</h1>'), ]) ->default('N/A') // ->tooltip(function (TextColumn $column): ?string {
// $state_locID = $column->getState(); // $additionalInfo = $this->getAdditionalInfo($state_locID); // Get additional info based on "loc_id" // return $additionalInfo; // }) ->sortable() ->searchable(), This produces a tooltip, but no content in it. Change x-tooltip.html to x-tooltip.raw and the content shows.
awcodes11mo ago
What if you just use the ->tooltip() method and return a HTML string there.?
Buroflow Dev
Buroflow Dev11mo ago
Hi @awcodes , That was the first thing I tried. It will only display as plain text, i.e.: x-tooltip.raw. That's what led me on this interesting quest. ->tooltip() default (x-tooltip.raw) is overriding everything. I found another discussion about quotes are encoded in tooltip where Dan mentioned: the fix needs to be in button.blade.php, this line should be x-tooltip="@js($tooltip)" I don't see that in my version of Filament. Any suggestions on how to hook or filter ->tooltip() to do html ie: x-tooltip.htm ? I can supply the getAdditionalInfo() method and the output to display in the tooltip. I really don't want to have to go with a modal approach. Tooltip is a simpler UI experience for these guys. Thanks for the interest and help so far!
Trollfalgar11mo ago
Dosn't work.
ckangwei833w ago
for whoever needed this, below method works for me. it is not working when doing x-tooltip.html or x-tooltip.raw alone. But somehow defined an empty x-tooltip.html will make the raw works with html. TextColumn::make('name') ->html()
->extraAttributes(fn (Model $record): Array => [ 'x-tooltip.html' => new HtmlString(), 'x-tooltip.raw' => new HtmlString(implode('<br>- ', ($record->whatever ?? ['-']))), ]),
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