Filament12mo ago

Submit button being shown even if it's not the last step

I just set up a brand new project with Filamentphp v3. I followed the docs -> https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/layout/wizard#rendering-a-submit-button-on-the-last-step for setting up a wizard in a Page. The Wizard contains only two steps. I followed the docs but still getting the submit button on the first step. None of the steps are skippable. Anyone having the same issue?
My bad, the button being rendered is the button rendered by the Register Filament Page, not the one by the wizard. Sorry, will mark this as solved.
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4 Replies
THRESH12mo ago
any help here?
josef12mo ago
Can you paste your Wizard code? I'm using wizards currently and did not have any such problem
THRESH11mo ago
just a wizard with two steps with empty schemas (doesn't work with filled schemas either). This is the submit button I added: ->submitAction(new HtmlString(Blade::render(<<<BLADE <x-filament::button type="submit" size="sm" > Submit </x-filament::button> BLADE)))
THRESH11mo ago
My bad, the button being rendered is the button rendered by the Register Filament Page, not the one by the wizard. Sorry, will mark this as solved.