Hi, I need help regarding validation. I want to validate multiple columns

Suppose I am having 2 columns and one foreign ID in a table. The record should be unique. E.g. Record one Product name = abc product area = def user_id = 1 record two Product name = abc product area = def user_id = 2 these both are unique I want to add this validation in filament product resource page
1 Reply
You can use a unique rule with the where clause: https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/validation#rule-unique something like this:
'product_name' => Rule::unique('products')->where(fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('product_area', request('product_area'))->where('user_id', request('user_id')))
'product_name' => Rule::unique('products')->where(fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('product_area', request('product_area'))->where('user_id', request('user_id')))
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