Field Repeater, $get and $set

Not sure if I can do this but I am looking to change the Next item depending the from the previews Item and I am not sure how to call them.
function (Set $set, Get $get) {
$set('../ THISITEM /start_at', $get('../ PREVIOUS_ITEM /start_at')->addWeek());
function (Set $set, Get $get) {
$set('../ THISITEM /start_at', $get('../ PREVIOUS_ITEM /start_at')->addWeek());
2 Replies
i really can't play that
Hi, did you solve this? I need to update fields in one repeater with value from another repeater. Struggling 😦
RootesOP2y ago
To be honest, I didn't yet. As soon as I know something I will post it.

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