How to filament table in filament form in v3?

Hi, Previously Dan Harrin said that in v3, we will be able to put filament tables in filament form due to livewire v3 teleport feature
In Filament v2, you are unable to embed the table builder within the form builder. The most useful application for this is putting a relation manager inside a resource form in the admin panel. This is due to a limitation with HTML, as it doesn't allow nested <form> elements. This new teleport feature will allow us to teleport the nested <form> elements away, and provide you with this feature!
v3 is now released, however I can't find documentation on displaying filament tables in filament form. So like to ask if anyone know how to do it. Thank you πŸ™‚
Filament v3 Plans Β· filamentphp filament Β· Discussion #3654
Filament v3 is on the horizon, and in the interest of transparency, I thought it would be a good idea to let you all know what our plans are. Livewire v3 only According to the Laracon website, Live...
1 Reply
pocket.racerOPβ€’2y ago
my bad looks like this is a duplicate question i shall move the discussion to that other question instead

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