C#12mo ago

❔ Access a DB property from a not mapped property

I have 2 models, A and B. A includes a property X that I want to store in property Y in B. Property X is stored in a DB, property Y is not mapped. How can I achieve this? Simply doing get => A.X does not seem to work in property Y
11 Replies
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Unknown User12mo ago
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.tree12mo ago
Just realized I totally messed up the question. Class A has this property [ForeignKey("ArticleID")] public ArticleModel Foo { get => Get(ref article); set => Set(value, ref article); } private ArticleModel article = null; Which references this property in class B: [ForeignKey("KindID")] public KindModel Bar { get => Get(ref kind); set => Set(value, ref kind); } private KindModel kind = null; Now in class A I want another property of type KindModel that stores the value of Bar, which is the same type.
Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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.tree12mo ago
Yeah so that is the issue I think, those are self written methods for lazy loading: protected virtual T Get<T>(ref T backingField, [CallerMemberName] string name = null) where T : LazyLoaderModel {
MODiX12mo ago
what library are you using to access the data
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Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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.tree12mo ago
EF Core is used to access sqlite db, we use lazy loading because what our data models is only usefull in its entirety
Unknown User
Unknown User12mo ago
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Angius12mo ago
If you use all the data... load all the data, eagerly Why have 7142 round trips to the database when 1 trip will do?
Denis12mo ago
Or use graphql + EF core, if your system cannot have a stable set of required data
Accord12mo ago
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